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Though Princes Hound Me for No Cause

  1. Though princes hound me for no cause,
    my heart still trembles at your word;
    for in your promise I rejoice
    like one who finds great spoil, O LORD.
  2. All falsehood I abhor and hate;
    but, LORD, your law I love and trust.
    I praise you seven times a day,
    because your righteous laws are just.
  3. Great peace have those who love your law;
    they cannot stumble in the way.
    For your salvation, LORD, I wait,
    and your commands I will obey.
  4. My soul will keep your statutes, LORD;
    I love them greatly with delight.
    Your laws and precepts I obey,
    my ways are all before your sight.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 119:161–168
Composer Information