OPC/URCNA (2016)
Collection Date:
- 73A (Surely God Is Good to Israel)
- 79A (God, the Nations Have Invaded)
- 81B (Shout Aloud to God)
- 40A (I Waited Long upon the LORD)
- 48A (Great Is the LORD Our God)
- 69A (O Save Me, God, Because the Floods)
- 147A (O Praise the LORD! How Good It Is)
- 147B (O Praise the LORD, for It Is Good)
- 18B (I Love You, LORD, My Strength)
- 18A (I Love You, LORD, My Strength)
- 21A (O LORD, in Your Strength)
- 144A (Now Blessed Be the LORD)
- 145A (I Will Exalt You, O My God and King)
- 119J (Give Me Insight to Learn Your Commands)
- 119K (My Soul for Your Salvation Yearns)
- 119L (Eternal Is Your Word, O LORD)
- 119M (O How I Love Your Holy Law)
- 139A (O LORD, You See and Search My Life)
- 119T (See My Distress and Save Me)
- 119V (LORD, Let My Cry before You Come)
- 119C (Do Good to Me and I Will Live)
- 119D (My Soul Is Sinking Down to Dust)
- 119F (Let Your Mercy and Love)
- 119G (Your Word Remember to Your Needy Servant)
- 119H (You, LORD, Are the Portion)
- 119I (You Treated Your Servant with Grace)
- 119Q (Wonderful Are Your Statutes, LORD)
- 119R (O LORD, You Are the Righteous One)
- 119S (With All My Heart I Cry)
- 116A (I Love the LORD, for He Has Heard My Voice)
- 119O (The Double-Minded I Abhor)
- 103A (Bless the LORD, My Soul)
- 103B (O Bless the LORD with All My Soul)
- 103C (Come, My Soul, and Bless the LORD)
- 105C (O Praise the LORD, His Deeds Make Known)
- 106A (O Sing Hallelujah!)
- 146 (Praise the LORD! My Soul, O Praise Him!)
- 150B (Praise the LORD God in His Temple)
- 150C (Sing Hallelujah! Praise the LORD!)
- 140 (O Save Me, LORD, from Evil Men)
- 141 (O LORD, to You I Call)
- 142 (I Cry for Mercy to the LORD)
- 143A (Hear Now My Prayer, O LORD)
- 143B (O Hear My Prayer, LORD)
- 145B (I Will Exalt You, God, My King)
- 129 (From Youth They Have Afflicted Me)
- 130A (LORD, from the Depths to You I Cry!)
- 131A (My Heart Is Not Exalted)
- 132 (LORD, Our God, Remember David)
- 133A (How Excellent a Thing It Is)
- 135 (O Praise the LORD! His Praise Proclaim!)
- 136 (O Thank the LORD, for He Is Good)
- 137 (By Flowing Streams in Babylon)
- 138A (With All My Heart My Thanks I Bring)
- 118A (O Thank the LORD for All His Goodness)
- 120 (I Called upon the LORD in My Distress)
- 121A (I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills)
- 122A (I Was Filled with Joy and Gladness)
- 123 (To You, O LORD, I Lift My Eyes)
- 125 (All Those Who Trust the LORD)
- 126A (When Zion’s Fortunes God Restored)
- 117B (Praise the LORD God, All You Nations)
- 100A (Shout to the LORD, All Earth)
- 101A (Of Steadfast Love and Justice, LORD)
- 102A (LORD, Hear My Prayer for Aid)
- 104A (Bless the LORD, My Soul!)
- 105A (O Thank the LORD, Declare His Name)
- 107A (O Thank the LORD, for He Is Good)
- 108 (My Heart Is Steadfast, God!)
- 109 (O My God, Whose Name I Worship)
- 110A (The LORD Said to My Lord)
- 111A (Praise to the LORD! I Will Extol Him)
- 113A (Hallelujah! Raise, O Raise)
- 114 (When Jacob’s House from Egypt Came)
- 115A (Not to Us, LORD, Not to Us)
- 97B (The LORD Reigns, Let the Earth Be Glad!)
- 99A (The LORD God Reigns on High)
- 90A (Lord, You Have Been Our Dwelling Place)
- 90B (Lord, You Have Ever Been Our Dwelling Place)
- 91A (The One Who Dwells in God)
- 93 (The LORD Reigns over All)
- 95B (O Come, Let Us Sing)
- 74 (Why, O God, Have You Cast Us Off)
- 75 (We Give You Thanks, O God)
- 77 (I Cried Aloud to God for Help)
- 78 (O My People, Hear My Teaching)
- 81A (Sing Aloud to God Our Strength)
- 82 (God Stands in the Great Assembly)
- 83 (O My God, Do Not Keep Silent)
- 85 (You Were Pleased to Show Your Favor)
- 86A (Hear Me, O LORD, and Answer Me)
- 88 (LORD, You Are the God Who Saves Me)
- 71 (In You, LORD, I Take Refuge)
- 59 (O Save Me from My Foes)
- 60 (You, O God, Reject and Spurn Us)
- 61B (O Hear My Urgent Cry)
- 62B (For God Alone My Soul Awaits)
- 63A (O God, You Are My God Alone)
- 65A (Praise Waits for You in Zion)
- 65B (Praise Waits for You, O God)
- 66A (O Shout to God with Joy)
- 70 (Make Haste, O God, to Save Me)
- 50 (The Mighty One, Our God)
- 51A (Be Merciful, Be Merciful to Me)
- 51B (God, Be Merciful to Me)
- 53 (The Fool Speaks in His Heart)
- 55 (O Hear My Cry for Mercy)
- 56 (O God, Be Merciful)
- 57 (Be Merciful, O God)
- 46A (God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength)
- 47A (O Clap Your Hands)
- 48B (The LORD Is Great and Greatly Praised)
- 49 (Hear This, All You Peoples)
- 33 (With Joy Let Us Sing to the LORD)
- 34A (I Will at All Times Bless the LORD)
- 35 (LORD, Plead My Case)
- 36A (My Heart Has Heard an Oracle)
- 36B (Transgression Speaks to Wicked Man)
- 37 (Do Not Fret on Account of the Wicked)
- 38 (LORD, in Your Wrath Rebuke Me Not)
- 39 (I Will Take Heed and Guard My Ways)
- 41 (Blest Is the One Who Helps the Weak)
- 42A (As the Deer Pants for the Waters)
- 42B (As Pants the Deer for Flowing Streams)
- 43A (Vindicate Me, O God)
- 31A (In You, O LORD, I Put My Trust)
- 16A (Preserve Me, O My God)
- 17 (O Hear My Righteous Plea)
- 19A (The Heavens Above Declare)
- 19B (The Heavens Above Declare)
- 25A (LORD, to You My Soul Is Lifted)
- 25B (LORD, to You I Lift My Soul)
- 26 (Declare Me Innocent, O LORD)
- 27A (The LORD’s My Light)
- 28 (To You, O LORD, I Cry)
- 10 (O LORD, Why Do You Stand Far Off)
- 11A (I Take My Refuge in the LORD)
- 12 (Help, LORD, Because the Godly Ones Have Vanished)
- 13 (How Long Will You Forget Me, LORD?)
- 14 (The Fool Speaks in His Heart)
- 15A (LORD, Who Shall Sojourn in Your Tent)
- 1B (How Blest the Man)
- 2A (Why Do Heathen Nations Rage?)
- 2B (Why Do Heathen Nations Rage?)
- 4 (Give Ear, God of My Righteousness)
- 6 (O LORD, in Wrath Rebuke Me Not)
- 7 (O LORD My God, in You I Refuge Seek)
- 8A (O LORD, Our Lord, in All the Earth)
- 9A (I Praise You, LORD, with All My Heart)
- 302 (A Shoot Will Spring from Jesse’s Stump)
- 490 (Behold, My Servant)
- 401 (Holy Spirit of Messiah)
- 294 (Song of Zechariah)