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O Shout to God with Joy

  1. O shout to God with joy, all earth,
    the glory of his name sing forth,
    and give him glorious praises!
    Now say to God, “How great your deeds,
    so great in pow’r, your enemies
    will cringe before your presence.
    Praise him! Praise him!—
    all the earth with voices ringing,
    worship bringing.
    Praises to your name they’re singing.”
  2. O come and see what God has done;
    how awesome in his deeds to men
    is God among the nations.
    He turned the sea to desert land;
    we crossed by foot on river sand
    and there sang jubilation.
    King forever,
    God in watchful observation
    rules the nations.
    Let no rebel rise against him!
  3. O peoples, bless our God and sound
    his praise, who makes our life abound
    and keeps our feet from falling.
    Like silver in a furnace tried,
    you tested us and purified;
    you caught us in your netting.
    You, Lord, crushed us—
    fire and water came upon us,
    men rode o’er us.
    Yet to bounty you have brought us!
  4. I come with off’rings to your house;
    and there perform to you the vows
    my lips sincerely uttered.
    My mouth declared in suffering
    that I will bring burnt offerings—
    the fat and choicest creatures.
    Here I offer
    with the smoke of sacrifices
    all my praises.
    Bulls and goats I bring in service.
  5. Come, all who fear the Lord, draw near;
    what God has done for me, now hear:
    I cried to him and praised him.
    If sin took hold within my heart,
    my pray’r the Lord would not regard,
    but truly God has listened.
    Bless him! Bless him!
    God has not despised the needy;
    he has heard me.
    God has not removed his mercy!
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 66
Composer Information