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O Praise the LORD! How Good It Is

  1. O praise the LORD! How good it is
    to sing him songs of praise!
    For it is pleasant, meet, and right
    a song of thanks to raise.
    The LORD builds up Jerusalem;
    and he it is alone
    who reaches out to Israel
    to bring the exiles home.
  2. He heals the brokenhearted ones
    and binds their wounds and pain.
    He counts the stars by number, and
    he calls them each by name.
    Our Lord is great and full of pow’r;
    his wisdom is profound.
    The LORD lifts up the meek in heart,
    the wicked he casts down.
  3. O praise the LORD with thankfulness,
    in song your joy proclaim;
    make music on the harp and lyre,
    give glory to God’s name.
    He clothes the vast expanse of heav’n:
    the sky with clouds he fills;
    he makes the rain refresh the earth
    and grass grow on the hills.
  4. He sees the beasts that roam the fields
    and gives to them their food;
    the little ravens cry to him,
    he fills their need with good.
    In horses strong, equipped for war,
    the LORD takes no delight;
    the LORD will take no pleasure in
    the pow’r of human might.
  5. The LORD our God takes pleasure in
    his saints who fear his name;
    those hoping in his steadfast love,
    the LORD delights in them.
    O praise the LORD, Jerusalem;
    your God, O Zion, praise.
    He blesses all your sons within,
    and strengthens all your gates.
  6. The LORD will grant you peace within
    the borders of your land.
    He fills you with the finest of
    the wheat thro’out the land.
    To all the corners of the earth
    the LORD’s commands proceed;
    he speaks and then his word goes forth
    through all the world with speed.
  7. He spreads the snow like wool, the frost
    like ashes on the land.
    He hurls down icy hail like crumbs:
    who can such cold withstand?
    But when he sends his mighty word
    and makes the warm winds blow,
    the ice and snow begin to melt,
    the waters start to flow.
  8. To Jacob God declares his word
    and makes his doctrines known;
    his statutes and his firm decrees
    to Isr’el he has shown.
    The LORD has never done this for
    the nations of the world.
    His righteous laws they do not know.
    O come and praise the LORD!
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 147
Composer Information