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O Praise the LORD, His Deeds Make Known

  1. O praise the LORD, his deeds make known,
    and call upon his name;
    O sing to him, sing praise to him!
    His wondrous works proclaim.
    Let hearts rejoice that seek the LORD,
    his holy name adore.
    O seek the LORD, and trust his strength;
    seek him forevermore.
  2. You chosen seed of Abraham,
    and Jacob’s children too,
    remember all his wondrous works,
    his judgments done for you.
    The LORD our God is God alone,
    all lands his judgments know;
    his promise he remembers still,
    while generations go.
  3. He ever keeps his covenant,
    the words of his command;
    a thousand generations he
    will make his promise stand.
    His cov’nant he remembers still,
    the word that he commands;
    a thousand generations hence
    his promises will stand.
  4. He swore that Canaan should be theirs,
    and made his cov’nant stand,
    while yet our fathers were but few,
    and sojourned in the land.
    He suffered not to do them wrong
    in all their pilgrim way;
    yes, for their sake were kings reproved
    and covered with dismay.
  5. The lands and toil of wicked men
    he gave them to possess,
    that they might keep his holy laws;
    O praise the LORD and bless!
    Let hearts rejoice that seek the LORD,
    his holy name adore;
    O seek the LORD, and trust his strength;
    seek him forevermore.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
105:1–14, 44–45
Composer Information