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O LORD, You See and Search My Life

  1. O LORD, you see and search my life;
    you know me through and through.
    Before a word is on my tongue,
    behold, it’s known to you.
    My going out and lying down
    are plain before your view.
    Before I speak a word, O LORD,
    it is well known to you.
  2. You hem me in behind, before;
    on me you lay your hand.
    Such knowledge is too wonderful,
    too high to understand.
    Where can I from your Spirit flee
    or from your presence go?
    In heav’n above, LORD, you are there,
    or deep in death below.
  3. If I should take the wings of dawn
    and dwell beyond the sea,
    e’en there your hand my guide would be,
    your right hand holding me.
    If I should say, “The dark will surely
    hide me from your sight,
    and all the light surrounding me
    become as dark as night.”
  4. Yet even darkness is not dark
    to you in any way;
    for darkness is as light to you,
    the night as bright as day.
    For you, O LORD, created me;
    you wove me on your loom.
    My inmost being you have formed
    within my mother’s womb.
  5. You made me, LORD, in awesome ways;
    your wondrous praise I tell;
    how great and wondrous are your works,
    my soul knows this full well.
    When I was made in secret, LORD,
    and woven with great skill,
    you saw my substance, yet unformed,
    in depths of earth concealed.
  6. And all the days that I should live,
    which you ordained for me,
    were written in your book, O LORD,
    before they came to be.
    Your perfect thoughts, O God, are very
    precious unto me—
    so wide and vast the sum of them
    in their infinity.
  7. Were I to count them, they would number
    more than grains of sand.
    I’m still with you when I awake,
    I’m safe within your hand.
    May God destroy all wicked men!
    You men of blood, away!
    They speak of you with hateful hearts,
    your foes abuse your name.
  8. Do I not hate all those, O LORD,
    who hate you and oppose?
    With perfect hatred I abhor
    and count them as my foes.
    O search me, God, and know my heart;
    my anxious thoughts survey,
    and lead me, if in sin I stray,
    in your eternal way.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 139
Composer Information