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O Hear My Urgent Cry

  1. O hear my urgent cry, my God,
    and listen to my plea.
    From earth’s remotest bounds I call,
    my heart grows faint in me.
  2. Now lead me to the rock, O God,
    that’s higher far than I.
    For you’re my refuge from the foe,
    my tow’r of strength on high.
  3. O let me dwell within your tent,
    forever there to live.
    And let me shelter ’neath your wings;
    sure refuge they will give.
  4. For you have heard my vows, O God,
    and you have given me
    the heritage of those who fear
    your name of majesty.
  5. Prolong the days the king will live;
    his sov’reign rule extend
    for many generations more,
    established with no end.
  6. May he forever sit as king,
    enthroned before God’s face;
    appoint your love and faithfulness
    as his protecting grace.
  7. So I will ever bless your name
    with songs of joy and praise,
    as I perform my holy vows
    with gladness all my days.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 61
Composer Information