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O Blest Be the LORD God

  1. O blest be the LORD God, my rock and my might;
    he trains me for battle, my hands for the fight.
    My fortress, deliv’rer, my refuge and shield,
    he brings down my foes and beneath me they yield.
  2. O LORD, what is man that you recognize him,
    the son of man that you are mindful of him?
    For man is but vapor, his brief earthly days
    are just like a shadow which passes away.
  3. Bend low your arched heavens, come, LORD, from on high,
    and touch the great mountains, let smoke from them fly;
    flash forth your fierce lightnings and scatter the foe,
    send out your sharp arrows and rout them in woe.
  4. O LORD, stretch your hand from the heavens above;
    deliver and save me from strangers and floods,
    their tongues speak so falsely and truth they despise,
    their right hand they hold forth to swear to their lies.
  5. A new song to you, O my God, I will sing,
    and offer my praise on a harp of ten strings;
    you give kings their triumph; your hand has, O LORD,
    kept David, your servant, from hurt by the sword.
  6. O LORD, set me free and deliverance send,
    and rescue me now from the foreigner’s hand.
    Their mouths utter lies, and with pretense they speak;
    their right hand of falsehood they raise in deceit.
  7. Our sons be like plants that are full grown in youth,
    our daughters like pillars for palaces hewn.
    Our grain bins be filled, as our crops give their yield;
    our flocks by the thousands increase in the field.
  8. Our cattle be heavy with young in the womb,
    and give birth to offspring, escaping all doom.
    No cries of distress from the people be heard.
    How blessed the people whose God is the LORD!
Stanza Copyright
Play Tune
Scripture Reference
Psalm 144
Composer Information