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Not to Us, LORD, Not to Us

  1. Not to us, LORD, not to us—
    to your name be all the praise,
    for your cov’nant faithfulness,
    for your steadfast love and grace.
    Why should all the nations say,
    “Where now is their God of might?”
    He will do what he desires.
    In the heav’ns our God resides.
  2. Heathen gods are silver, gold,
    works of human artistry.
    They have mouths, but do not speak.
    They have eyes, but do not see.
    They have ears, but do not hear;
    noses, but no scent have found;
    helpless hands and useless feet,
    throats that utter not a sound.
  3. Those who make and trust in them
    soon grow like the gods they mold.
    House of Isr’el, trust the LORD,
    for he is their help and shield.
    House of Aaron, trust the LORD,
    for he is their help and shield.
    You who fear him, trust the LORD,
    for he is their help and shield.
  4. God the LORD remembers us,
    and his people he will bless.
    He will bless all Isr’el’s house,
    he will bless all Aaron’s house.
    Those who fear him, great and small,
    he with blessings will reward.
    May you and your children grow;
    may the LORD increase you more.
  5. Blest are you by God the LORD,
    Maker of the earth and heav’n!
    Highest heavn’s belong to him,
    but to man the earth was giv’n.
    Though the dead to silence go,
    though the dead praise not the LORD,
    we will henceforth bless the LORD.
    Praise the LORD forevermore.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 115
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