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Lord, You Have Been Our Dwelling Place

  1. Lord, you have been our dwelling place
    thro’ all the ages of our race.
    Even before the hills came forth,
    or you had ever formed the earth,
    from everlasting ages gone
    to everlasting, you are God.
  2. You turn man back to dust again,
    saying “Return, O sons of men.”
    For, Lord, a thousand years in your sight
    are but a day, a watch in the night.
    As with a flood you sweep them on,
    they’re like a dream that’s quickly gone.
  3. They are like grass which grows in sun,
    withers and fades when day is done;
    for by your anger we’re consumed
    and by your wrath to terror doomed.
    You place our sins before your sight,
    our secret sins you bring to light.
  4. Under your wrath our days pass by,
    all of our years end like a sigh.
    Seventy are our years in length,
    eighty by reason of our strength;
    yet is their span but toil and pain;
    soon they are gone, we fly away.
  5. Who has your anger understood?
    Who fears your fury as he should?
    Teach us to number all our days,
    setting our hearts on wisdom’s ways.
    LORD God, how long? Return to us!
    Pity your servants in distress.
  6. Fill us each morning with your grace,
    that we may sing through all our days.
    So make us full of happiness
    for all the days you sent distress.
    For all the years we evil knew,
    now make us glad, our joy renew.
  7. Show to your servants, Lord, your deeds;
    your glorious power show their seed.
    May God’s good favor on us rest;
    may all the work we do be blest.
    Prosper the works of our own hands;
    yes, Lord our God, establish them.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
Play Tune
Scripture Reference
Psalm 90
Composer Information