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LORD, to You I Lift My Soul

  1. LORD, to you I lift my soul,
    O my God, I trust your name;
    let my foes not o’er me gloat;
    let me not be put to shame.
    Truly none who wait for you
    will be ever put to shame;
    those who wantonly betray,
    they will ever be ashamed.
  2. Make me know your ways, O LORD;
    in your path lead me in truth.
    You are God, my Savior true,
    all the day I wait for you.
    LORD, remember in your love
    all your mercies from of old.
    But remember not my sin,
    for your goodness’ sake, O LORD!
  3. Good and upright is the LORD;
    he instructs all those who stray.
    All the meek he leads aright,
    he will teach his holy way.
    All his paths are steadfast love,
    he is faithful in his ways,
    for all those who keep his word
    and his covenant obey.
  4. For the sake of your own name,
    LORD, forgive my guilt, tho’ great.
    Who is he who fears the LORD?
    God will teach him all his ways.
    In well-being he abides,
    and his seed receives the land.
    Those who fear the LORD he loves,
    makes them know his covenant.
  5. To the LORD I turn my eyes;
    from all snares he plucks my feet.
    Show your grace and turn to me;
    I am lonely and afraid.
    All my troubles are enlarged,
    give relief from my distress.
    See my deep afflictions, LORD,
    and forgive my sinfulness.
  6. See how many are my foes,
    see the vi’lence of their hate.
    Guard my soul! Deliver me!
    Let me not be put to shame,
    since I wait for you, O LORD.
    May my uprightness prevail.
    From his troubles, gracious God,
    O redeem your Israel.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 25
Composer Information
Mountain, James (ca. 1890)