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I Waited Long upon the LORD

  1. I waited long upon the LORD;
    he stooped and heard my cry.
    He drew me from destruction’s pit
    and from the boggy mire.
    He set my feet upon a rock,
    and steadfast made my ways.
    He put within my mouth a new
    and joyful song of praise.
  2. And many, seeing me restored,
    will trust the LORD and fear.
    How blest the man who makes the LORD
    his trust and refuge sure,
    who turns not to the arrogant,
    to those who follow lies,
    to those who turn away from truth,
    but on the LORD relies.
  3. O LORD our God, how many are
    the wonders you have done!
    How many are the gracious thoughts
    which you to us have shown!
    LORD, no one can compare with you;
    I will your works proclaim
    and tell of all your wondrous deeds,
    whose number none can name.
  4. In sacrifice and offering
    you take no great delight.
    You seek no sacrifice for sin,
    no off’ring is required.
    You gave to me an open ear,
    and then I said, “Behold,
    I come, O LORD, as in the book
    was written and foretold.
  5. “To do your will, O LORD my God,
    is surely my delight.
    Your law is deep within my heart
    and precious in my sight.”
    Within your great assembly your
    deliv’rance I’ve proclaimed;
    you know, O LORD, in praising you
    my lips are not restrained.
  6. My heart has never hidden, LORD,
    your great deliverance;
    your faithfulness, O LORD, and your
    salvation I announce.
    Your steadfast love and faithfulness
    I always have revealed,
    and from the great assembly they
    have never been concealed.
  7. O LORD, you will not keep away
    your steadfast love from me;
    your mercy and your faithfulness
    preserve me constantly.
    For countless evils hemmed me in,
    I cannot see ahead;
    my sins are greater far than all
    the hairs upon my head.
  8. My sins have overtaken me,
    my heart within me fades.
    Be pleased, O LORD, to rescue me!
    O help me, LORD, make haste.
    Bring shame on all my enemies,
    who seek to take my life.
    Let those be turned and brought to shame
    who in my woe delight.
  9. Let all who say “Aha!” to me
    be overcome with shame,
    but all who seek you now be glad,
    rejoicing in your name.
    May those who love your saving help
    proclaim unceasingly,
    “How great the LORD! and greatly praised
    the LORD will always be.”
  10. My lowly state and bitter need
    have come before the LORD.
    He graciously takes thought of me;
    my cry for help he heard.
    My helper and deliverer,
    to you I plead and pray.
    My help, my Savior, come to me!
    My God, do not delay!
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 40, Hebrews 10:5-7
Composer Information