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Eternal Is Your Word, O LORD

  1. Eternal is your word, O LORD;
    in heav’n it stands forever sure.
    Your truth remains thro’ ev’ry age
    the earth you founded, it endures.
    They stand by your decree this day,
    for all things serve your sov’reign way.
  2. Had not your law been my delight,
    I would have perished in my strife.
    Your precepts I will not forget;
    for thro’ them you preserved my life.
    LORD, rescue me, for I am yours,
    and I have sought to know your word.
  3. The wicked lie in wait for me;
    destruction threatens at their hands,
    but I, in spite of all their threats,
    will still consider your commands.
    Perfection’s limits I have found,
    but your commandments have no bound.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 119:89–96
Composer Information