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Bless the LORD, My Soul

  1. Bless the LORD, my soul, and all within
    me bless his holy name!
    Bless the LORD, my soul. Forget not
    all his blessings to proclaim.
    He forgives your great transgressions,
    heals your sicknesses and pains.
    He redeems you from destruction,
    crowns you with his tender grace.
  2. He with boundless good supplies you;
    he your longing satisfies,
    then, like eagle’s strength renewing,
    God with good your youth revives.
    For the LORD will act with justice,
    righteousness for those bowed down.
    He made known his ways to Moses,
    his great deeds to Israel’s sons.
  3. God the LORD is full of mercy,
    slow to anger, full of grace.
    He will not be always chiding,
    nor in anger hide his face.
    He deals not by our demerits,
    nor repays what sins deserve.
    Great his love to those who fear him,
    high as heav’n above the earth.
  4. Far as east from west is distant,
    he from sin has set us free.
    As a father loves his children,
    feeling pity for their need,
    so the LORD in great compassion
    comforts those who fear his name.
    He remembers we are dust, and
    he knows well our feeble frame.
  5. Man is like the flow’r that blossoms,
    all his days like tender grass
    here today and gone tomorrow,
    from the scorching winds that pass.
    Age to age the LORD shows mercy;
    children’s children he will bless.
    Those who keep his law and cov’nant,
    he will show his righteousness.
  6. God has set his throne in heaven;
    his great kingdom rules o’er all.
    Bless the LORD, O you his angels,
    mighty ones who do his will!
    Bless the LORD, you hosts of heaven,
    servants who perform his word!
    Bless the LORD, his whole dominion.
    Come my soul and bless the LORD!
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 103
Composer Information