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As the Deer Pants for the Waters
- As the deer pants for the waters,
pants my soul for you, O God.
For my God my soul is thirsty,
thirsting for the living God.
When shall I, O God of grace,
come and stand before your face?
Day and night my tears sustain me;
“Where’s your God?” they say to shame me. - In my grief I still remember
how I led the happy throng
to the house of God for feasting,
filled with shouts and joyful songs.
O my soul, why so cast down?
Why so troubled in me now?
Hope in God, for I shall praise him;
he’s my God and my salvation. - From the land beyond the Jordan,
I remember you in prayer,
from Mount Mizar and Mount Hermon,
when my soul is in despair.
At your waterfalls’ great roar
deep calls out to deep once more.
All your breakers crash against me;
overwhelming waves oppress me. - In the day, the LORD shows mercy;
he commands his steadfast love.
In the night, his song is with me,
as I pray to God, my life.
Then to God, my rock, I plead:
“Why have you forgotten me?
Why must I continue weeping
while my life my foes are seeking?” - As a blow that breaks my body,
all my foes are taunting me.
All day long their words assault me;
“Where’s your God?” they say with glee.
O my soul, why so cast down?
Why so troubled in me now?
Hope in God, for I shall praise him,
he’s my God and my salvation.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 42
Composer Information
Bourgeois, Louis (1551)
- Author: OPC/URCNA (2016) (230)