Song Collection

Search For A Song

As Pants the Deer for Flowing Streams

  1. As pants the deer for flowing streams,
    so longs my soul for you, O God.
    I thirst for God, the living God.
    When can I go and meet with God?
  2. My constant tears have been my food,
    both in the night and in the day,
    while all day long insistently,
    “Where is your God?” to me they say.
  3. I now remember all these things
    as I pour out my soul within:
    how with the multitude I went
    up to God’s house on Zion’s hill.
  4. In their procession I would lead
    as we approached with cheerful song
    and shouts of thankfulness and mirth
    among the festive, joyful throng.
  5. Why are you downcast, O my soul?
    Why are you so disturbed in me?
    But hope in God, for him I’ll praise;
    my Savior God alone is he.
  6. My soul within me is cast down;
    I will recall you, LORD, my God
    from Jordan’s land, from Hermon’s heights,
    and from the top of Mizar hill.
  7. Deep calls to deep, as with a roar
    your rushing waters plunge and roll.
    Your waves and breakers fall on me;
    they overwhelm my very soul.
  8. By day the LORD directs his love;
    his song remains with me at night—
    a prayer to him who is my God,
    my only source of life and light.
  9. This will I say to God, my Rock,
    “Why have you, God, forgotten me?
    Why must I go about in grief,
    oppressed by evil enemies?”
  10. As if to shatter all my bones
    my foes revile and say to me,
    “O tell us now, where is your God?”
    Throughout the day, they scoff at me.
  11. Why are you downcast, O my soul?
    Why are you so disturbed in me?
    But hope in God, for him I’ll praise;
    my Savior God alone is he.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
Play Tune
Scripture Reference
Psalm 42
Composer Information