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O Shepherd of Israel, Hear Us

  1. O Shepherd of Israel, hear us, give ear;
    you lead Joseph forth like a flock in your care.
    ’Mid cherubim dwelling, enthroned in your might,
    shine forth in your glory, and send us your light.
  2. In Ephr’im’s, Manasseh’s, and Benjamin’s sight,
    O come now to save us, and stir up your might;
    O LORD God of hosts, in your mercy restore,
    and we shall be saved when your face shines once more.
  3. How long will you turn in fierce anger away,
    O LORD God of hosts, when your people do pray?
    With tear-bread of sorrow their table is laid,
    and tears in full measure their drink you have made.
  4. A strife you have made us to neighbors around,
    our foes in their laughter and scoffing abound.
    O LORD God of hosts, in your mercy restore,
    and we shall be saved when your face shines once more.
  5. A vine out of Egypt you brought from the land.
    Destroying the nations, this vine you did plant.
    You cleared out the ground to make room for your plant;
    it spread its deep roots and soon filled up the land.
  6. The cedars majestic and mountains you made
    were sheltered and covered beneath its deep shade.
    Its branches afar to the sea did extend;
    and shoots from your vine to the River were sent.
  7. O why have you taken its hedges away
    that all passing by pluck its fruit as their prey?
    The bear from the forest destroys it at will;
    the beasts of the field are devouring it still.
  8. Return, God of hosts, in your mercy divine!
    Look down from the heavens and visit this vine;
    regard, LORD, this stock planted by your right hand,
    the son you made strong for yourself then to stand.
  9. With ax they have hewn it, and burned it with fire;
    rebuke them, O LORD, in your terrible ire.
    But lay then your hand on the man at your right,
    the strong Son of Man made to stand in your sight.
  10. Then we will not wander, nor turn from your way;
    revive us, O LORD, we will call on your name.
    O LORD God of hosts, in your mercy restore,
    and we shall be saved when your face shines once more.
Stanza Copyright
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 80
Composer Information