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God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength

  1. God is our refuge and our strength,
    our ever present aid,
    and, therefore, though the earth remove,
    we will not be afraid;
    though hills amidst the seas be cast,
    though foaming waters roar,
    yea, though the mighty billows shake
    the mountains on the shore.
  2. A river flows whose streams make glad
    the city of our God,
    the holy place wherein the Lord
    Most High has his abode;
    since God is in the midst of her,
    unmoved her walls shall stand,
    for God will be her early help,
    when trouble is at hand.
  3. The nations raged, the kingdoms moved,
    but when his voice was heard,
    the troubled earth was stilled to peace
    before his mighty word.
    The Lord of hosts is on our side,
    our safety to secure;
    the God of Jacob is for us
    a refuge strong and sure.
  4. O come, behold what wondrous works
    the Lord’s great might has wrought;
    come, see what desolation great
    he on the earth has brought.
    To utmost ends of all the earth
    he causes war to cease;
    the weapons of the strong destroyed,
    he makes abiding peace.
  5. Be still and know that I am God,
    o’er all exalted high;
    the subject nations of the earth
    my name shall magnify.
    The Lord of hosts is on our side,
    our safety to secure;
    the God of Jacob is for us
    a refuge strong and sure.
Stanza Copyright
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 46
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