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Up to the Mountain Went the Lord

  1. Up to the mountain went the Lord
    to teach the multitudes.
    He fed them with his loving words,
    and loaves and fishes too.
  2. Up to the mountain high he climbed
    with Peter, James, and John.
    The Lord, transfigured, dazzling white,
    God claimed as his dear Son.
  3. Upon the Lake of Galilee
    th’apostles’ boat was tossed.
    Awoke from sleep, the Lord rebuked
    the wind, the storm to calm.
  4. Up in the region Gerasene
    a demon Jesus met.
    Christ freed the man from Legion’s grip;
    in swine they came to rest.
  5. Up to Jerus’lem rode the Lord,
    acclaimed as saving King.
    Sweet, glorious praises to the Lord
    with palms the crowd did sing.
  6. Up to the garden Jesus went.
    He prayed with all his might.
    With friends asleep, his foes drew near.
    Betrayed, he did not fight.
  7. Outside the city Jesus went
    to Golgotha and death.
    Encrowned with thorns, he bore the cross
    of sin to his last breath.
  8. Up from the grave arose our Lord
    when passed the three long days.
    He walked with friends upon the road.
    Alive, he did amaze.
  9. Up to the heav’nly place Christ soared
    to sit at God’s right hand.
    He reigns above, our gracious King.
    Yet, he will come again.
Stanza Copyright
© Nancy Tischler & Mary Bahnfleth, 2005
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Scripture Reference
Mark 6:30-52, Mark 9:2-13, Mark 5:1-20, Mark 11:1-10, Mark 13:32-42, Mark 15:21-41, Mark 16:1-8
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