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Come, Take by Faith the Body of the Lord

  1. Come, take by faith the body of the Lord,
    and drink the blood of Christ for us outpoured.
    Praise and confess the wonders of his grace:
    to rescue us, he suffered in our place.
  2. Led to the slaughter as the Lamb of God,
    our Savior bought us with his precious blood.
    Remember how he bore our curse and shame;
    until he comes, let us his death proclaim.
  3. Come, let us then with contrite hearts draw near
    to seek the pledges of his mercy here.
    He, who his saints in this world rules and shields,
    to all believers life eternal yields.
  4. With heavenly bread he makes the hungry whole,
    gives living waters to the thirsty soul.
    Let us his holy supper celebrate
    and, so refreshed, our coming King await.
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Scripture Reference
John 6:35, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
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