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Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit

  1. Come, O come, thou quick’ning Spirit,
    God from all eternity!
    May thy power never fail us;
    dwell within us constantly.
    Then shall truth and life and light
    banish all the gloom of night.
  2. Grant our hearts in fullest measure
    wisdom, counsel, purity,
    that we ever may be seeking
    only that which pleaseth thee.
    Let thy knowledge spread and grow,
    working error’s overthrow.
  3. Show us, Lord, the path of blessing;
    when we trespass on our way,
    cast, O Lord, our sins behind thee
    and be with us day by day.
    Should we stray, O Lord, recall;
    work repentance when we fall.
  4. Holy Spirit, strong and mighty,
    thou who makest all things new,
    make thy work within us perfect
    and the evil foe subdue.
    Grant us weapons for the strife
    and with vict’ry crown our life.
Stanza Copyright
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Scripture Reference
John 14:16-17
Composer Information