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With All My Heart My Thanks I Bring

  1. With all my heart my thanks I bring,
    before the gods your praise I sing;
    I bow before your holy place
    and praise your name for truth and grace,
    for you above all things, O LORD,
    have magnified your name and word.
  2. The day I called, you answered me;
    my soul with inward strength increased.
    All kings of earth shall thank the LORD,
    for they have heard your wondrous words,
    and they shall sing the ways of God,
    for great in glory is the LORD.
  3. Although the LORD is throned on high,
    he guards the meek with watchful eye;
    but those of proud and haughty heart,
    he knows them only from afar.
    Through trouble though my pathway be,
    you will revive and strengthen me.
  4. With outstretched hand you will oppose
    the wrath and anger of my foes.
    Your right hand saves. The LORD fulfills
    for me the purpose he has willed.
    Your love, O LORD, forever stands,
    forsake not the works done by your hands.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 138
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