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We Give You Thanks, O God

  1. We give you thanks, O God,
    because your name is near.
    We give you thanks for all your works
    your wondrous deeds declare.
  2. You say, “I set the time;
    I judge with even hand;
    when earth and all its people quake,
    I make its pillars stand.
  3. “‘Boast not’ I tell the proud;
    to vile men, ‘Lift no horn.
    Do not lift up your horn on high
    or speak with haughty scorn.’”
  4. For lifting up comes not
    from east or west or south;
    but God is judge; he raises one
    and puts another down.
  5. The LORD’s hand holds a cup
    with foaming wine, well-mixed;
    he pours it out, and wicked ones
    must drink it to the dregs.
  6. But I fore’er proclaim,
    and Jacob’s God I’ll praise.
    The wicked’s horns I will cut off,
    the righteous I will raise.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 75
Composer Information