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The Heavens Above Declare
- The heav’ns above declare
the glory of our God;
and what his hands have made
the skies proclaim abroad.
For day by day they pour out speech,
and night by night their knowledge teach. - No language do they use,
nor any spoken word;
they utter not a sound
and yet their voice is heard.
Thro’out the world their voice resounds,
their words to earth’s remotest bounds. - God set a tent in heav’n,
a dwelling for the sun,
which, like a bridegroom, leaves
his wedding tent at dawn,
and like a strong, heroic man,
goes forth with joy his race to run. - The sun goes forth in might
from heaven’s farthest end
and runs its course above
until the day is spent.
Its path from end to end complete—
there’s nothing hidden from its heat. - The perfect law of God
will make the soul revive;
his statutes, sure and true,
will make the simple wise.
The precepts of the LORD are right
and fill the heart with great delight. - God’s radiant commands
shed light on what we see;
the fear of God is pure
and lasts eternally.
The standards of the LORD express
his perfect truth and righteousness. - Of far more worth than gold—
than much pure gold—they are;
than honey from the comb,
than honey sweeter far.
They warn the servant of the LORD;
in keeping them is great reward. - Who can discern his faults?
Forgive my hidden sin.
Protect from willful sins;
let them not reign within.
Then blameless shall your servant be,
from great transgression now set free. - So let the words I speak
be pleasing in your sight;
and let my inmost thoughts
be in your judgment right.
O LORD, you are a rock to me;
you have redeemed and set me free.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 19, Romans 10:18
Composer Information
Blanton, Leonard Cooper (1951)
- Author: OPC/URCNA (2016) (230)