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That Man Is Blest

  1. That man is blest who, fearing God,
    from sin restrains his feet,
    who will not stand with wicked men,
    who shuns the scorners’ seat.
  2. Yea, blest is he who makes God’s law
    his portion and delight,
    and meditates upon that law
    with gladness day and night.
  3. That man is nourished like a tree
    set by the river’s side;
    its leaf is green, its fruit is sure,
    and thus his works abide.
  4. The wicked, like the driven chaff,
    are swept from off the land;
    they shall not gather with the just,
    nor in the judgment stand.
  5. The Lord will guard the righteous well,
    their way to him is known;
    the way of sinners, far from God,
    shall surely be o’erthrown.
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 1
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