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Praise Waits for You, O God
- Praise waits for you, O God, in Zion;
to you our vows are due.
O God who hears the pray’rs we offer,
all flesh shall come to you.
When all my sins prevail against me,
transgressions you forgive.
How blest the one you choose and summon
within your courts to live! - With goodness from your house you fill us
’til we are satisfied.
O God, within your holy temple,
our needs are all supplied.
You answer us, O God our Savior,
by awesome, righteous deeds;
you are the hope of all earth’s regions
and all the farthest seas. - God, by his strength has set the mountains,
adorned with wondrous pow’r.
He stills the raging waves and oceans,
the people’s loud uproar.
Those dwelling in earth’s farthest regions
are awestruck by your signs.
From morning’s dawn to evening’s sunset
you make glad shouts arise. - You visit earth with all your bounty,
enriching it with rain.
God’s stream is full of flowing water,
providing for their grain.
You soften furrows with your showers
and make a level field.
Thus, Lord, you have prepared the blessing
of full and growing yield. - O God, you crown the year with goodness,
your wagons overflow.
The desert pastures swell with bounty;
with joy the hills are clothed.
The fields are dressed with flocks and cattle,
the valleys decked in grain.
They shout and sing together gladly
their jubilant refrain.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 65
Composer Information
Claude, Goudimel (1551)
- Author: OPC/URCNA (2016) (230)