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O Save Me, LORD, from Evil Men

  1. O save me, LORD, from evil men;
    from men of vi’lence set me free,
    for evil schemes are in their hearts;
    they stir up war continually.
    Like snakes, their tongues have sharpened tips,
    with vipers’ poison on their lips.
  2. O keep me, LORD, from wicked hands;
    from men of vi’lence set me free,
    for they conspire to trip my feet.
    The proud have hidden snares for me;
    the meshes of their net they spread,
    beside my pathway traps are set.
  3. O LORD, I say, “You are my God.”
    LORD, listen to my cry for aid.
    O Sov’reign LORD, my Savior strong,
    in battle you protect my head.
    Refuse the wicked their desire;
    to shame them, make their plots misfire.
  4. O LORD, let those who hem me in
    be conquered by their wicked lies.
    Let them be cast in coals of fire,
    in miry pits, no more to rise.
    Let none who slander keep their land;
    let evil hunt the violent man.
  5. I know that God the LORD will bring
    his justice to defend the poor;
    afflicted ones the LORD will help,
    their cause he takes and holds secure.
    To you the righteous praise will give;
    the upright in your presence live.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 140, Romans 3:13
Composer Information
Bishop, John (ca. 1700)