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O LORD of Hosts, How Lovely

  1. O LORD of hosts, how lovely
    the place wherein you dwell!
    Your tabernacles holy
    in pleasantness excel.
    My soul is longing, fainting,
    to see your courts, O LORD;
    my heart and flesh are singing
    to you, O living God.
  2. The sparrow finds a home here,
    the swallow builds her nest,
    where she may lay her young near
    your altar, LORD of hosts.
    How blest are those who dwell in
    your house, my King, my God,
    how blest, those singing praises
    to you, the living LORD.
  3. How blest are those you strengthen,
    who have a pilgrim’s mind.
    Amidst the vale of weeping,
    fresh springs and pools they find.
    From strength to strength advancing,
    they on their journey go
    ’til each appears in Zion,
    where they their God behold.
  4. O hear, LORD God of Jacob,
    to me an answer yield;
    the face of your anointed,
    behold, O God, our shield.
    One day within your temple
    excels a thousand hence;
    I’d rather keep God’s doorway
    than live in sinners’ tents.
  5. The LORD our God protects us,
    our shield and shining sun;
    the LORD bestows his favor
    and honor to his own.
    No good will he deny those
    who walk in ways of truth.
    O LORD of hosts, how blest is
    the one who trusts in you!
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 84
Composer Information