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O LORD, in Wrath Rebuke Me Not

  1. O LORD, in wrath rebuke me not;
    in anger do not chasten me.
    Have mercy, LORD, for I am faint;
    LORD, heal me in my agony.
  2. My soul with anguish is distressed.
    O LORD, how long will you delay?
    LORD, turn to me, and free my soul;
    in lovingkindness, save, I pray.
  3. For none in death remembers you;
    and who will praise you from the grave?
    My sighs and moaning weary me;
    each night my bed with tears I bathe.
  4. My eyes grow weak with tears of grief;
    they fail because of all my foes.
    Depart from me, all evil men!
    The LORD has heard my tearful woes.
  5. The LORD accepts my prayer for help;
    the LORD has heard my cry and plea.
    My enemies, disgraced and shamed,
    will suddenly turn back from me.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 6, Matthew 7:23, Luke 13:27
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