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O Hear My Righteous Plea

  1. O hear my righteous plea, LORD,
    and listen to my cry!
    Give ear unto my prayer made
    from lips that do not lie!
    From heaven send approval
    and vindicate my name;
    O may your eyes the right see
    and set me free from blame.
  2. By night you came and sought me,
    you searched my heart and mind.
    Though tested and examined,
    yet nothing did you find.
    I steadfastly determined
    my mouth would not transgress;
    I keep from men of violence,
    from works of wickedness.
  3. From works of men you guard me,
    your word preserves my way.
    My steps held to your pathways,
    my feet went not astray.
    I call on you, O LORD God,
    for you will answer me;
    incline your ear to listen,
    and hear my earnest plea.
  4. Show steadfast love, O Savior
    of those at your right hand
    who flee to you for refuge
    when foes against them stand.
    Beneath your wings O hide me,
    the apple of your eye.
    Protect me from the violent
    who press on ev’ry side.
  5. They close their hearts to pity;
    they speak with swelling pride.
    Our steps they have surrounded,
    they press on ev’ry side.
    Their eyes make us their target
    to cast us to the ground.
    Like hungry lions stalking,
    they crouch without a sound.
  6. Arise, confront, subdue him
    and bring him down, O LORD.
    Release my soul from sinners
    and free me by your sword.
    O save me by your hand, LORD,
    from men who love the world,
    from men whose only portion
    in earthly life is stored.
  7. You fill their life with treasure;
    their sons are satisfied.
    They leave their young the fortune
    which they have set aside.
    But I, in vindication,
    your face will surely see;
    when waking to your likeness,
    I satisfied will be.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 17
Composer Information