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O God, You Are My God Alone

  1. O God, you are my God alone;
    with eagerness I seek your face.
    My soul and body thirst for you,
    as in a dry and weary place.
  2. I’ve seen you in your holy place;
    your pow’r and glory held my gaze.
    Your love is better far than life,
    and thus my lips will sing your praise.
  3. I bless you, Lord, throughout my life
    and raise my hands to you in prayer.
    My joyful lips will sing your praise;
    my soul is fed with richest fare.
  4. I lie awake upon my bed,
    rememb’ring you before it’s light;
    on you, my God, I meditate,
    throughout the watches of the night.
  5. For you have been my help, O God;
    I sing for joy beneath your wings.
    Your right hand holds and strengthens me;
    to you my soul for safety clings.
  6. But those who seek to kill my soul
    to depths of earth shall fall away;
    a sword of pow’r will bring them down,
    and they shall be the jackal’s prey.
  7. The king will then rejoice in God,
    and all who swear by him exult;
    but God will stop the liars’ mouths,
    the ones who utter what is false.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 63
Composer Information