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My Heart Is Steadfast, God!

  1. My heart is steadfast, God!
    My soul its song will raise!
    Awake, O harp and lyre, to play!
    Awake the dawn to praise!
  2. Among the nations, LORD,
    to you my thanks shall rise;
    your truth is great above the heav’ns,
    your mercies reach the skies.
  3. Above the heav’ns, O God,
    and over all the earth,
    let all exalt your glorious name
    and tell your matchless worth.
  4. Stretch forth your mighty hand
    in answer to our prayer,
    and let your own beloved ones
    your great salvation share.
  5. The holy God has said,
    “My triumph I declare:
    the vale of Succoth I will rule,
    and Shechem I will share.
  6. “I claim as my domain
    Manasseh, Gilead.
    My scepter rests in Judah’s hand,
    and Ephr’im shields my head.
  7. “In Moab I will wash;
    on Edom, throw my shoe;
    Philistia is my victor’s song,
    with triumph I subdue.”
  8. O, who will lead me forth
    and Edom’s stronghold show?
    Have you not cast us off, O God,
    nor with our armies go?
  9. The work of man is vain,
    so help us in our woes!
    With God we shall do valiantly,
    for he will crush our foes.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
Play Tune
Scripture Reference
Psalm 108
Composer Information