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LORD, You Are the God Who Saves Me

  1. LORD, you are the God who saves me;
    I cry out both night and day.
    May my pleading come before you;
    turn your ear to me, I pray.
  2. For my soul is full of troubles,
    and my life draws near to death.
    Counted with the ones who perish,
    I have neither strength nor breath.
  3. I’m as one cast off like dead men,
    as one lies within the grave,
    as one you no more remember,
    severed from your hand of grace.
  4. Deep into a pit you cast me,
    deep within the darkest place;
    there your wrath lies heavy on me,
    I am crushed by all your waves.
  5. You have made my friends forsake me,
    made me loathsome in their eyes.
    I am trapped, cut off from rescue;
    deep distress has dimmed my sight.
  6. Daily, LORD, I call upon you;
    stretching out my hands to you.
    Do you show the dead our wonders?
    Do the dead rise up and praise?
  7. Is your love declared in death, your
    faithfulness in Abaddon?
    Are your wonders known in darkness,
    faithfulness where thoughts are gone?
  8. But, O LORD, I cry to you; as
    morning comes, to you I pray.
    Why, do you, O LORD, reject me,
    turn your face from me away?
  9. Stricken and distressed from childhood,
    death to me is always near.
    I have suffered long our terrors,
    I am helpless in despair.
  10. Over me your anger rages;
    by your terrors I am crushed.
    All day long they overwhelm me;
    over me the flood has rushed.
  11. You have seized my friend and loved one,
    put him far away from me.
    Now my closest friend is darkness;
    not a ray of light I see.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
Scripture Reference
Psalm 88
Composer Information
Ley, Henry George (1887–1962)

Copyright: © The Dohnavur Fellowship. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press.