LORD, our God, remember David,
all the grief and pain he bore,
how he swore an oath and made a
vow to Jacob’s mighty LORD:
“I my house will never enter;
rest and slumber I will shun,
till I find the LORD a dwelling
fit for Jacob’s Mighty One.”
This we heard in Ephrath’s region,
found it in the fields of Jaar:
“Let us to his dwelling hasten,
at his footstool worship there.
Rise, O LORD, your dwelling enter,
resting with your ark of might!
May your priests be clothed with honor;
may your saints with songs delight.”
For the sake of your own servant,
David, your appointed one,
do not turn away your favor
from his own anointed son.
God has sworn an oath to David;
he his word will not disown:
“I will choose from your descendants
one to sit upon your throne.
“If your sons will keep my cov’nant,
all the statutes I make known,
surely then their sons will also
sit forever on your throne.”
For the LORD has chosen Zion;
there he wishes to remain:
“Here’s my resting place forever;
here it pleases me to reign.
“I will richly bless her storehouse,
satisfy her poor with bread,
clothe her priests with my salvation,
make her saints supremely glad.
I will raise a horn for David,
for my chosen make a light.
All his foes with shame I’ll cover;
but his crown will shine most bright.”