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Let Your Mercy and Love

  1. Let your mercy and love come to me,
    your salvation as promised, O LORD.
    Then I’ll answer the taunts of my foe,
    for I steadfastly trust in your word.
  2. Do not take your true word from my mouth;
    all my hope has been set on your ways.
    I will always obey your commands
    without fail to the end of my days.
  3. I will walk in the freedom you give,
    for your precepts I earnestly sought.
    I will speak of your statutes to kings,
    and to shame I will never be brought.
  4. Your commandments, O LORD, which I love,
    they bring joy and delight unto me.
    I will lift up my hands to your laws,
    and will think on your righteous decree.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
Scripture Reference
Psalm 119:41–48
Composer Information
Scott, Isobel (b. 1942)

Copyright: © Free Church of Scotland Psalmody Committee, 2003