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I Will Exalt You, O My God and King

  1. I will exalt you, O my God and king;
    I will forever bless your holy name.
    I will extol you, LORD, forevermore.
    Day after day, I will your praise commend.
    Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised.
    His greatness none can ever comprehend.
  2. Each generation will recount your deeds;
    wonders and mighty acts will they proclaim.
    Wondrous your works, your majesty, O LORD.
    I will with awe upon them meditate.
    Men shall declare your mighty, awesome deeds,
    and I your greatness gladly celebrate.
  3. Men will pour forth your goodness and its fame;
    praise for your glories they with joy express;
    boundless and great, your goodness is extolled.
    They sing aloud of your great righteousness.
    Merciful, kind, and gracious is the LORD,
    and slow to anger, rich in steadfast love.
  4. Good is the LORD to all created things;
    mercy he shows to all that he has made.
    All of your works give thanks to you, O LORD.
    Saints all unite to bless your holy name.
    They will declare your kingdom and your might,
    and praise the glory of your vast domain.
  5. So shall the sons of man be taught your deeds,
    that they may know the splendor of your reign.
    Through ev’ry age shall your dominion stand;
    your everlasting kingdom will remain.
    Kind is the LORD in all his mighty works,
    and faithful ev’ry word which he proclaims.
  6. All those who fall, the LORD will them uphold,
    raise up the burdened ones bowed down in grief.
    All look to you with longing eyes that wait,
    food in due season you will kindly give.
    You open wide your hand to all that breathe,
    and satisfy the wants of all who live.
  7. Kind is the LORD in all his wondrous works,
    righteous and true is he in all his ways.
    Near is the LORD to all who on him call—
    all those who call on him in truth for aid.
    All those who fear him, he will fill their wants;
    he hears their pleading cry and he will save.
  8. All those who love the LORD he will preserve,
    but all the wicked he will surely slay.
    Praise to the LORD my mouth will utter forth.
    Praise to the LORD will I with joy proclaim.
    Let ev’ry creature rise up to adore
    and bless his holy name forevermore.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 145
Composer Information