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I Take My Refuge in the LORD

  1. I take my refuge in the LORD;
    how is it then you say to me,
    “Escape and fly, fly like a bird;
    for refuge to your mountain flee.
  2. “Behold, the wicked bend their bows,
    and on the string they set their dart;
    from shadows dark they aim and shoot
    at those who are upright in heart.
  3. “If sure foundations are destroyed
    and all around is great decay,
    whatever can the righteous do,
    surrounded by such disarray?”
  4. The LORD is in his holy place;
    the LORD in heaven makes his throne.
    His eyes observe the human race,
    and in his sight each one is known.
  5. The LORD examines all the just,
    the righteous ones he proves and tests,
    but those who treasure wickedness,
    who love the wrong, his soul detests.
  6. On wicked men the LORD will rain
    his fiery coals and sulfur hot.
    A scorching wind on them will blow;
    such punishment will be their lot.
  7. For God the LORD is righteous still,
    in righteous ways he takes delight;
    and they alone will see his face
    who are in heart and deeds upright.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 11
Composer Information