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I Love You, LORD, My Strength

  1. I love you, LORD, my strength, my rock,
    the LORD, my fort, my shield, my pow’r,
    my God in whom I refuge seek,
    my horn of safety, my strong tow’r.
    I call upon the LORD for help—
    how worthy is the LORD of praise!—
    and I am saved from all my foes,
    the adversaries of my ways.
  2. The cords of death entangled me;
    destruction struck me like a wave.
    Encircled by the snares of death,
    I faced the terrors of the grave.
    I called on God in my distress;
    I cried unto the LORD for aid.
    He from his temple heard my voice,
    he listened to the pray’r I made.
  3. The earth before God’s anger quaked;
    the mountains’ deep foundations shook.
    His mouth blazed forth consuming flames;
    his nostrils billowed fire and smoke.
    The heavens parted, he came down;
    dark clouds beneath his feet were laid.
    He flew upon the cherubim;
    on wings of wind he made his way.
  4. The darkness formed his canopy,
    dark rain clouds swirling all around.
    His brightness burst then through the clouds
    when coals of fire and hail came down.
    The LORD Most High sent forth his voice;
    his thunder from the heavens pealed.
    His arrows scattered all his foes;
    his lightning their confusion sealed.
  5. Deep channels of the sea lay bare,
    with earth’s foundations deep and vast,
    O LORD, when your rebuke went forth,
    the power of your nostrils’ blast.
    From heav’n he reached to grasp my hand
    and lift me as the waters rose;
    he saved me from the enemy,
    from all my overpow’ring foes.
  6. They threatened me in my distress;
    the LORD was my security.
    He brought me out and set me free
    because he took delight in me.
    According to my righteousness
    the LORD with me dealt faithfully;
    because my hands were clean from sin,
    the LORD my God rewarded me.
  7. For I have kept the ways of God;
    from him I have not turned away.
    I have not from his statutes strayed;
    his precepts ever with me stay.
    Before the LORD I kept myself
    from blame and all transgression free.
    He found me righteous, with clean hands,
    and so the LORD rewarded me.
  8. With faithful people you keep faith,
    to blameless ones you goodness show.
    With pure men you yourself are pure,
    but with the crooked you are shrewd.
    For suff’ring people you will save,
    but proud and haughty men you smite.
    You light my lamp, O LORD, my God,
    and turn my darkness into light.
  9. By you I run against a troop;
    by you, my God, I leap a wall.
    This God, how perfect is his way;
    no promise of the LORD can fall.
    A shield is he to ev’ryone
    who refuge in his name has sought.
    For who is God, except the LORD?
    And who a rock, except our God?
  10. This God equips and strengthens me
    and makes me blameless in my walk.
    He makes my feet like feet of deer;
    he sets my feet upon the rock.
    He trains my hands with skill for war,
    a bow of bronze my arms can break.
    Your right hand gives me victory.
    Your gentleness has made me great.
  11. You cleared for me a pathway wide;
    my feet slide not while I pursue.
    I overtake my fleeing foes;
    I turn not till they are consumed.
    My foes can rise again no more;
    they helpless fall beneath my feet.
    With strength you armed me for the fight;
    my foes you humbled under me.
  12. You turned their backs away in flight;
    they cried for help, but no one came.
    They cried to God; he answered not.
    Like wayside dirt I scattered them.
    You saved me from my enemy,
    o’er all the nations made me head.
    They heard my name and cringed in fear,
    came trembling from their fortresses.
  13. Blest be my Rock, the LORD who lives!
    My Savior God exalted be!
    For God brought vengeance on my foes,
    subduing peoples under me.
    You saved me from my enemies,
    exalting me above my foes;
    you rescued me from violent men
    who sought my kingdom to oppose.
  14. I praise you, LORD, for saving me;
    among the nations I will sing;
    your glorious name will I proclaim
    for you have greatly saved your king!
    Great victories he gives his king;
    his steadfast love will he outpour
    on David, his anointed one,
    and his descendants evermore.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 18, Romans 15:9
Composer Information