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God Stands in the Great Assembly

  1. God stands in the great assembly,
    judging all the gods within:
    “How long will you judge unjustly,
    favoring the wicked men?
  2. “Vindicate the weak and orphans,
    guard the rights of those oppressed.
    Save the weak, support the needy;
    from the wicked give them rest.”
  3. They are void of understanding;
    no right judgment can they make.
    They walk on in utter darkness;
    all of earth’s foundations shake.
  4. “You are gods,” so I addressed them;
    “You are sons of God Most High.
    You will fall like other princes,
    you as common men will die.”
  5. Rise, O God, and come in judgment;
    justice for the earth command,
    for you hold as your possession
    ev’ry race and ev’ry land.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 82, John 10:34
Composer Information