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God, Be Merciful to Me
- God, be merciful to me,
according to your steadfast love,
and in your abundant mercy,
Lord, my many sins remove.
Cleanse me from iniquity;
wash my sin away from me. - Lord, I know my own transgressions;
I can see my sinful plight.
I have sinned against you only,
done what’s evil in your sight.
So your words are verified,
and your verdict justified. - Truly, I was from my childhood
brought forth in iniquity;
I was sinful from the moment
when my mother first conceived.
Truth you seek within my heart;
wisdom to me you impart. - Cleanse me, purify with hyssop,
I’ll be whiter than the snow.
Let the bones you crushed be joyful;
may I joy and gladness know.
From my failure hide your face;
all my wickedness erase. - Lord, create in me a pure heart;
make my spirit right and new.
Do not take away your Spirit—
cast me not away from you.
Your salvation’s joy restore;
keep my spirit willing, Lord. - Then I’ll teach your ways to sinners;
rebels will return to you.
From the guilt of blood, O free me,
God, my God and Savior true.
Then I’ll praise your righteousness;
teach my lips your name to bless. - Sacrifice does not delight you,
else my tribute I would bring;
you will not be pleased with off’rings,
even whole burnt offerings.
Contrite heart as sacrifice,
you, O God, will not despise. - Let your blessing rest on Zion;
build Jerus’lem’s walls again.
Sacrifices then will please you—
bulls upon your altar slain,
off’rings made for your delight,
truly righteous in your sight.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 51, Romans 3:4
Composer Information
Mason, Lowell (1792–1872)
- Author: OPC/URCNA (2016) (230)