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Come, My Soul, and Bless the LORD

  1. Come, my soul, and bless the LORD,
    all within me bless his name!
    Come, my soul, and bless the LORD;
    and forget not all his grace:
    all your sins the LORD forgives,
    all your sicknesses he heals.
    He redeems you from the pit;
    his compassion he reveals.
  2. He will crown you with his love,
    with his tender mercies true,
    and he fills your life with good;
    like the eagle, youth renews.
    God, the righteous judge, defends
    all oppressed and broken ones,
    showing Moses all his ways
    and his deeds to Isr’el’s sons.
  3. For the LORD is slow to wrath,
    full of mercy, full of grace.
    He abounds in steadfast love,
    will not chide for endless days.
    God will not retain his wrath,
    he will not repay our sins;
    he will never deal with us
    as our wickedness demands.
  4. As the heav’ns are high above
    all the earth which God has made,
    so to those who fear the LORD
    is his lovingkindness great.
    Far as east is from the west,
    he removes so far from us,
    in his great, abounding love,
    all our guilt and wickedness.
  5. As a father shows his love
    unto all his children dear,
    so the LORD displays his love
    to those trusting him in fear.
    He remembers we are dust,
    and our feeble frame he knows.
    As for man, his days are like
    tender grass that quickly grows.
  6. So man flourishes and thrives
    like a growing meadow flow’r.
    When the wind blows, it is gone,
    and its place is known no more.
    But the steadfast love of God,
    shown to those who fear his name,
    is from all eternity
    to eternity the same.
  7. His unfailing righteousness
    shall to children’s children be,
    to the ones who cov’nant keep
    and his good commandments heed.
    God the LORD has set his throne;
    in the heavens it shall stand,
    and his sov’reign kingdom rules
    over all at his command.
  8. Bless the LORD, you angel hosts,
    mighty ones who do his word,
    who obey his voice and word;
    all his servants, bless the LORD!
    All his hosts who do his will,
    all his works in all his world
    bless the LORD in ev’ry place.
    Come, my soul, and bless the LORD!
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© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
Scripture Reference
Psalm 103
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Copyright: © 2010 Fred and Ruth Coleman