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Be Merciful, Be Merciful to Me

  1. Be merciful, be merciful to me;
    in steadfast love, O gracious God, have mercy.
    Blot out my sins, Lord, in your great compassion.
    Wash me and fully cleanse me from my sin!
    I know my sin; it never leaves my mind.
    Lord, against you, you only, I did evil.
    So you are just and blameless when you judge.
    I was conceived and born in sin and evil.
  2. You want me truthful deep within my soul;
    you teach me in my secret heart your wisdom.
    Purge me with hyssop, make me pure and spotless.
    Wash me and make me whiter than the snow.
    The sounds of joy and gladness let me hear;
    let all the bones you broke begin rejoicing.
    O hide your face from my iniquities;
    blot out the stain of all my foul transgressions.
  3. O God, create in me a pure, clean heart;
    within me, Lord, renew a steadfast spirit.
    O do not cast me from your holy presence;
    your Holy Spirit do not take from me.
    The joy of your salvation, Lord, restore;
    uphold me with a free and willing spirit.
    Then I will teach transgressors all your ways,
    and sinners will return again to serve you.
  4. O save me from the guilt of shedding blood,
    for you are God, the God of my salvation!
    My tongue will sing aloud your righteous judgment.
    Open my lips, O Lord, to sing your praise.
    For you will not delight in sacrifice,
    or else with off”rings would I try to please you.
    A broken spirit you will not despise;
    the off’ring of a contrite heart delights you.
  5. Do good to Zion; bless Jerusalem.
    In your good pleasure prosper and restore her.
    Build up her walls, Lord, only you can build them.
    Do good to Zion, Lord, in mercy hear.
    Then you will take delight in sacrifice,
    in righteous gifts we bring to you in worship,
    in whole burnt off”rings given unto you;
    then will young bulls be offered on your altar.
Stanza Copyright
© 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal Joint Venture
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 51, Romans 3:4
Composer Information