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Your Law, O God, Is Our Delight
- Your law, O God, is our delight;
your statutes faithful, true and right.
It guides our feet and shines as light,
that we may walk with you aright. - Your law, O God, reveals our sin,
how foul and stained are we within.
O cleanse us from iniquity
and train our hearts from sin to flee. - Lord, we have failed your law’s demands
with impure hearts and unclean hands.
But One has kept them perfectly—
our Savior, Jesus Christ, is he. - Our sins were placed upon his head;
he suffered anguish in our stead.
Now his obedience is our own;
our righteousness is Christ alone. - We show our thankfulness and love
by keeping precepts from above;
so teach us, Lord, your statutes well;
incline our hearts on them to dwell. - Have mercy on your wayward sheep;
from us the devil safely keep.
Cause us to walk upon your way,
and sanctify us more each day. - Your law, O God, is our delight;
your statutes faithful, true and right.
Confirm your word within our hearts
that we may not from you depart.
Stanza Copyright
© 2016 Derrick and Debbie Vander Meulen
Play Tune
Scripture Reference
Psalm 119
Composer Information
Gardiner, William (1815)
- Author: Vander Meulen, Debbie (319)
- Author: Vander Meulen, Derrick (320)