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Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above

  1. Sing praise to God who reigns above,
    the God of all creation,
    the God of pow’r, the God of love,
    the God of our salvation.
    My soul with comfort rich he fills,
    and ev’ry grief he gently stills:
    to God all praise and glory!
  2. What God’s almighty pow’r has made,
    in mercy he is keeping;
    by morning glow or evening shade
    his eye is never sleeping.
    And where he rules in kingly might,
    there all is just and all is right:
    to God all praise and glory!
  3. We sought the Lord in our distress;
    O God, in mercy hear us.
    Our Savior saw our helplessness
    and came with peace to cheer us.
    For this we thank and praise the Lord,
    who is by one and all adored:
    to God all praise and glory!
  4. Let all who name Christ’s holy name
    give God the praise and glory.
    Let all who know his pow’r proclaim
    aloud the wondrous story.
    Cast ev’ry idol from its throne;
    the Lord is God and he alone:
    to God all praise and glory!
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Scripture Reference
Psalm 107:15, Psalm 34:3-4, Psalm 121, Deuteronomy 32:3
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