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Forth in Your Name, O Lord, I Go

  1. Forth in your name, O Lord, I go,
    my daily labor to pursue,
    you only, Lord, resolved to know
    in all I think or speak or do.
  2. The task your wisdom has assigned
    here let me cheerfully fulfill;
    in all my work your presence find,
    and prove your good and perfect will.
  3. You may I set at my right hand,
    whose eyes my inmost secrets view,
    and labor on at your command
    and offer all my work to you.
  4. Help me to bear your easy yoke,
    and ev’ry moment watch and pray,
    and still to things eternal look
    and hasten to that glorious day.
  5. Then with delight may I employ
    all that your bounteous grace has given,
    and run my earthly course with joy,
    and closely walk with you in heaven.
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Scripture Reference
Romans 12:2, Psalm 16:8, Matthew 11:28-30
Composer Information
Mason, Lowell (1792–1872)