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Consider Well

  1. Consider well that Jesus Christ a humble heart reveals,
    around his throne angelic praise like thunder ever peals.
    Everlastingly divine, he scrupled not to hold
    his rightful grasp of honors that belong to him of old.
  2. Consider well that Jesus Christ volition put away;
    humiliation he embraced, his Father to obey.
    Serving men became his lot; the King became a slave,
    becoming man that men might live, that sinners he might save.
  3. Consider well that Jesus Christ incarnate in our frame,
    abased himself, and veiled his power for his Father’s name.
    His obedience unto death, our sinless sacrifice;
    repentant, bow before the cross, behold salvation’s price!
  4. Consider well that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead,
    resplendent choruses of praise with music crown his head.
    Lifted to the highest place, enthroned on high he reigns;
    in his full majesty he bears the name above all names.
  5. Consider well that Jesus Christ is Lord of heav’n and earth;
    on bended knee before your King, confess his name with mirth.
    Whether high in heaven’s heights, on earth, or far below,
    all creatures one day will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Stanza Copyright
© Russell St. John, 2006
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Scripture Reference
Philippians 2:5-11
Composer Information