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Come, My Soul, with Every Care

  1. Come, my soul, with ev’ry care;
    Jesus loves to answer prayer.
    He himself bids you to pray.
    He will never turn away,
    he will never turn away.
  2. You are coming to a king—
    large petitions with you bring.
    For his grace and pow’r are such,
    none can ever ask too much,
    none can ever ask too much.
  3. With my burden I begin:
    Lord, remove this load of sin;
    let your blood, for sinners spilt,
    set my conscience free from guilt,
    set my conscience free from guilt.
  4. Lord, your rest to me impart;
    take possession of my heart.
    There your blood-bought right maintain,
    and without a rival reign,
    and without a rival reign.
  5. While I am a pilgrim here,
    let your love my spirit cheer.
    As my guide, my guard, my friend,
    lead me to my journey’s end,
    lead me to my journey’s end.
  6. Show me what I am to do;
    ev’ry hour my strength renew.
    I would have your will, not mine;
    for it’s perfect, good, and kind,
    for it’s perfect, good, and kind.
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Scripture Reference
Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9-10, John 14:13-14
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