“Behold my Servant,” says the LORD,
“my chosen, my delight.
To him my Spirit I will give,
upholding him in might.
His justice gives the nations hope,
he humbly serves their need;
a dying flame he quenches not,
nor breaks a damaged reed.”
“The Spirit of the Sov’reign LORD
to me the LORD imparts,
anointing me to preach good news
to poor and broken hearts.
He sent me to preach liberty
to pris’ners and to slaves,
to preach the year of Jubilee,
when God the wrong repays.”
Messiah comforts those who mourn,
a crown of beauty gives;
he changes shame to robes of praise,
from gloom and sadness saves.
Rejoice with everlasting joy,
you saints by grace restored;
he calls you oaks of righteousness,
the garden of the LORD!