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Baptized into Your Name Most Holy
- Baptized into your name most holy,
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
I claim a place, tho’ weak and lowly,
among your seed, your chosen host.
Buried with Christ and dead to sin:
your Spirit e’er shall live within. - My loving Father, me you’ve taken
fore’er to be your child and heir;
my faithful Savior, me you’ve given
your righteous, holy life to share;
O Holy Spirit, you will be
a comfort, guide, and help to me. - And I have vowed to fear and love you,
and to obey you, Lord, alone;
because the Holy Spirit moved me,
I dared to pledge myself your own,
renouncing sin to keep the faith
and war with evil unto death. - My faithful God, your word fails never,
your cov’nant surely will abide;
oh, cast me not away forever,
should I transgress it on my side!
Though I have oft my soul defiled,
in love forgive, restore your child. - Yes, all I am and love most dearly
I offer now, O Lord, to you.
Oh, let me make my vows sincerely,
and what I say, help me to do.
Let naught within me, naught I own,
serve any will but yours alone. - And never let my purpose falter,
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
but keep me faithful to your altar,
till you shall call me from my post.
So unto you I live and die
and praise you evermore on high.
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Scripture Reference
Romans 6:4
Composer Information
Neumark, Georg (1657)
- Author: Winkworth, Catherine (341)
- Author: Rambach, Johann J. (249)
- Author: Lutheran Book of Worship (1978) (184)