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Arise, My Soul, Arise

  1. Arise, my soul, arise,
    shake off your guilty fears;
    the bleeding Sacrifice
    in my behalf appears:
    before the throne my Surety stands,
    before the throne my Surety stands,
    my name is written on his hands.
  2. He ever lives above,
    for me to intercede,
    his all-redeeming love,
    his precious blood to plead;
    his blood atoned for ev’ry race,
    his blood atoned for ev’ry race,
    and sprinkles now the throne of grace.
  3. Five bleeding wounds he bears,
    received on Calvary;
    they pour effectual prayers,
    they strongly plead for me.
    “Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry,
    “forgive him, O forgive,” they cry,
    “nor let that ransomed sinner die!”
  4. My God is reconciled;
    his pard’ning voice I hear;
    he owns me for his child,
    I can no longer fear;
    with confidence I now draw nigh,
    with confidence I now draw nigh,
    and “Father, Abba, Father!” cry.
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Scripture Reference
Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:15
Composer Information